홍콩 법인장
아토즈 컨설팅 홍콩 법인장
홍콩 한인회 전무이사
홍콩 한인상공회 이사
홍콩 한국국제학교 이사
민주평화통일자문회의 자문위원
(전) UBS AG Singapore
(전) UBS증권 서울지점
(전) HSBC은행 서울지점
고려대학교 졸업
대일외국어고등학교 졸업
Managing Director of ATOZ Hong Kong
Jung Jaeho
Managing Director, ATOZ Hong Kong
Executive Director, the Korean Residents Association of Hong Kong
Director, The Korean Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong
Director, Korean International School of Hong Kong
Advisor, The Peaceful Unification Advisory Council
(Former) UBS AG Singapore
(Former) UBS Securities Seoul Branch
(Former) HSBC Bank Seoul Branch
Graduate, Korea University
Graduate, Daeil Foreign Language High School